More technological, more competitive, and more fluid, the new world is constantly bringing new challenges. To meet these challenges, our attorneys in digital law offer concrete and client-oriented solutions.
More technological, more competitive, and more fluid, the new world is constantly bringing new challenges. To meet these challenges, our digital rights lawyers offer concrete solutions that focus on you, the client.
{ You + us, a smooth collaboration }
Digital issues are central to you, Whether you are a provider or a user of digital solutions.
We only do digital law, to do it fully. We want to respond to the main thoughts that clients give to lawyers:
- Make budgets predictable
- Avoid legalese, so speak clearly
- Reduce the distance, therefore be reachable
- Limit the tunnel effect in the mission, so inform you regularly and set milestones
The french CNIL has published a FAQ on the use of generative AI systems within organizations.
The french CNIL has published a Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) on the use of generative AI systems within organizations. It notably highlights a benefits/limitations approach, basic [...]
Liability Cap in IT Contracts: Don’t Forget to Check the Provider’s Insurance
IT Contracts and Cyber Risks: Negotiating the liability cap is good, but verifying the provider’s insurance is even better. The recent massive data breaches at major French online reta [...]
The Fee Agreement: Simple Administrative Document or Keystone?
In architecture, the keystone is the central stone at the top of an arch. It is crucial because it holds all the other stones in place through its position and the pressure it exerts. [...]
Voir nos interventions : Dans les medias / Dans la presse.
Risk management et IA : que sont les risques dits « inacceptables » ?
Le règlement européen sur l’intelligence artificielle (IA) établit une classification des systèmes d’IA basée sur le risque, allant des risques minimaux aux risques dits "inacceptables". Cette dernière catégorie, qui regroupe les systèmes interdits en raison de leur imp [...]
Services informatiques et finances : quid de DORA ?
Services informatiques et finances : quid de DORA ? Prestataires informatiques, êtes-vous prêts pour DORA ? Depuis janvier 2025, le règlement européen impose des règles strictes de résilience numérique aux institutions financières, mais aussi à leurs partenaires technol [...]
Plafond de responsabilité dans les contrats informatiques : l’assurance, un enjeu clé
Plafond de responsabilité dans les contrats informatiques : l’assurance, un enjeu clé. Les récentes fuites de données massives chez des grandes sociétés de vente en ligne françaises rappellent l'importance de bien négocier la question des risques cyber dans les contrats [...]
Click here to see our interventions: in the media / in thepress.